My full name should have been Spontaneously Spontaneous Spontaneity, and this little brunch wedding on a hot July morning was every bit of that, not to mention that it happened to be a MONDAY.
Can I get a hallelujah for Monday weddings? I swear, the more I channel my inner weirdness, the more weirdos I meet, and this perfect little day LIT ME UP.
TJ + Tori sprung this wedding on EVERYONE, not just me. They decided that they were just ready, and didn’t want to wait or plan, and they pulled off the most romantic wedding. She found a dress that fit right off the rack (and even replaced a button with a single blue one for a little something blue action,) she made her bouquet, and she got into the grand traverse bay in her dress before they scooted off to boat all day on Torch Lake with their best friends.
But nothing can even compare to my most favorite aspect of the day, and Tori’s sweet little boy Trey. You already know I love when kids are part of weddings, but this little trio was so special, I’ll never forget it as long as I live. And let us not forget the moment that these two started running in a field and she totally fell into the tall grass, and never stopped smiling! LOVE KICKS ASS.
Every single wedding so far this season has transformed me in some way, and this one is no different.
come along and see why…